Tuesday, October 30, 2012

trying to change

I have heard that if you try to do one thing a day that makes you happy then you can begin to make huge changes in your life. That is what I plan on doing.

At the moment I am not perfect at doing one act a day, but his blog will track my improvements and hopefully inspire others to improve their lives in the same way. Passion is what I live by. That is an all or nothing mentality. If I am not putting every bit of myself and into an act then it would be best not to do it.

This blog is meant to keep my passions alive. This idea sprouted from something I randomly decided. I had purchased a bag of peach rings and, being the person I am, I ate it over a few days to prolong the deliciousness. As I was nearing the end of the bag I realized I had been eating much too many sweets and unhealthy food over the past days. So I told myself that when I was done with the bag of peach rings I was going to start working out and eating healthier. This has nothing to do with my weight because I am in no way overweight. I am what people would call a "skinny fat person," meaning that I am skinny but I will practically die if you ask me to run half a mile. I am fed up with being a weakling.

This ultimatum that I gave myself formed into thinking if I am improving my physical health, I should also improve my mental heath. How better to improve your mental health than doing things that make you happy?!

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